Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eachus Arrogance Towards Taxpayers

Just today I received a flyer from Todd Eachus inviting me to a "Community Converstaton" with him. "As your state representative, I look forward to listnening to your concerns...." Talk about the most disingenous statement by a too long time legislator. Here is the REAL Todd Eachus.


In recent reports, Representative Eachus declined an interview when requested by the media. In a statement, Representative Eachus said, "Our personnel offices uses industrywide best practices and standards, much like any other public or private organization, for salaries, ranges and job classifications." However, Eachus went on to say, "Beyond that we don't discuss details of our personnel decisions."

Tarah Toohil, Candidate for State Representative in the 116th Legislative District, finds these type of responses to be unacceptable. "This is a classic example of Representative Eachus being out of touch with the people who elected him. The behavior of our legislature and its leaders is gluttonous and arrogant and the people of the 116th District and the people of Pennsylvania are demanding better."

Toohil stated, "When asked by the media, Eachus will not explain his policies. He refuses to be accountable. He refuses to be transparent even when the people and the media are demanding it. Even with the Bonusgate Grand Jury finding that our legislature is living in a 'time warp of public corruption', that it is one of the most bloated and excessive legislatures, and that it should be cut back to part-time in order to save the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars... Representative Eachus refuses to change his ways and it is unacceptable."

Toohil argues that in light of the Bonusgate findings, details of personnel decisions such as salary raises, disparities among legislative staffs, and job descriptions and qualifications are going to be discussed. The public has a right to know exactly how its money is being spent and misspent.

John Baer of the Philadelphia Daily News has a response.

For one thing, there's scant evidence beyond lip service that our "leaders" understand or empathize with the pain so many taxpayers feel from job loss, furloughs, frozen/reduced salaries and slashed benefits and pensions.

Rep. John Yudichak hits a home run with this statement.

Rep. John Yudichak, D-Luzerne County, says the Legislature "has to put more on the table," including long-hoarded leadership accounts, which he figures at about $200 million and calls "a padded reserve to buttress leaders."

HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER TODD EACHUS..do you think he is talking about you. Let me tell you about a concern...or better yet..let me play this video....

At one time you were proud to take Robert Powell's money. You have yet to return it....You took an illegal pay raise...yet to pay it back...Spend WAM money...does Tom Stish's campaign remind you of some statements.....Illegal midnight pay raises....ohhh yess... Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

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